''I have been trying to find out what the records are for morels, but so far have struck out. I have found references to some around a pound, but none as large as mine, though I don't doubt that there are some.''
Mr Robinson 61 has been searching for morels for more than three decades near his home in Sanford and couldn't believe his eyes when they focused on the giant fungi near his cabin. Robinson let the mushroom grow for 10 days before picking it confident that know one else would find it.
''I have learned not to pick them until they feel a little dry,'' Robinson said. ''That is when they quit growing. It was still growing when I picked it. But I didn't want to risk someone else finding it.''
''It sure dwarfed the others that grew in the same area, even though they were all above average size,'' Robinson said.
Robinson said the exact location where he found the mushroom is ''classified.''
''I have hunted morels most of my life and have it down to a science,'' Robinson said. ''I have always found them in areas that had been burned over.

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