Monday, 1 September 2008

Giant mushroom is the world’s largest living organism.

The world’s largest fungus covers 2,200 acres or the same as 1,665 football pitches and is in America, in the Malheur national forest in Oregon.

American scientists discovered the giant fungus after trees began to die in the forest, and began testing mushroom samples from various locations in the national park. They discovered that all the samples where part of one organism.

Officially known as Armillaria ostoyae or the honey mushroom, the fungus lives three feet underground and the only visible signs are small mushrooms on the surface.

Experts estimate that the giant mushroom is at least 2,400 years old, but could be as old as 7,200 years.

The largest fungus in Europe is in a Swiss National Forest, near the eastern town of Ofenpass.

Spanning 86 acres, the mostly underground fungus is believed to be 1,000 years old and is once again a Honey mushroom.