Wednesday 17 October 2007

How far do you travel for your wild mushrooms?

We know some fungal afficianados travel miles and miles for a good forage. But one of the beauties of wild mushrooms is their sheer unpredictability.

So, we were not surprised on Sunday when we stumbled upon a field full of these beauties - not 500 yards away from our home at Wild About Mushrooms.

These are Parasols and I can vouch for one thing - they fry up great with bacon. So, on Sunday we enjoyed a fabulous brunch which we affectionately call RJTs Bacon Brunch.

Can't beat it!

Now I know that I come across as a bit of a myushroom anorak. That's because I love working with mushrooms and I love cooking with mushrooms. But I have to say I was hard pushed to get excited about a little recipe I stumbled across yesterday.

Apparently, this Friday is National Meatloaf Day in the States (where else?)and this chap here has prepared a wild mushroom recipe to celebrate Estonia's contribution to the occasion - now I don't know about you, but ... I'm not keen!

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