Tuesday 9 October 2007

So you thought mushrooms were valuable?

Now I know just how valuable wild mushrooms can be. But here's proof!

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has given President Roh Moo-hyun, the South Korean leader, four tons of pine mushrooms as a gift following the South Korean leader's three-day summit trip to the communist North.

"The North Korean leader's gift, packaged in 500 small boxes, was delivered to Roh by a ranking official from the North's Ministry of the People's Armed Forces. The official explained the pine mushrooms totaling 4,000 kilograms were collected from the North's Mount Chilbo," said Cheon.

Roh expressed thanks and said he will distribute the gift to the South Korean people, he added.

Following the first inter-Korean summit in June 2000, the North Korean leader also sent three tons of pine mushroom to the South.

So there you go - wild mushrooms - for value and for diplomacy!

Incidentally, the South Korean leader gave the North Korean chap in return a gift of 150 DVDs, some tea, a painted screen and a ceramic dish.

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